GCH CH Kismet’s Serendipity Caress – Caress
co-owned with Guy and Thelma Mauldin
“Miss Personality” to say the least
CH Cambridge Commander x CH Kismet’s Chosen One
Caress finished at the age of 14 months. Handled from start to finish by Mendy Gleason
OFA Good, CERF Clearcaress-ch-picture-cropped-to-her

 GCH Breyston’s Dior Jadore’ – Dori
co owned with Donna Todd
BISS CH Kismet’s Shogun ROM x BISS GCH CH Kismet’s High Fashion ROM
Major win Austinclose

CH Breyston’s Kismet Special Package
co owned with Linda Weniger
GCH CH Syringa Treasure Trove x BISS GCH CH Kismet’s Chateau Lauren
OFA Excellent, CERF Clear

CH Breyston’s Free Spirit – Spirit
co owned with Catherine Caruso
BISS CH Kismet’s Chateau Successor ROM x  GCH CH Breyston Kistmet’s Prada


MBISS GCH CH Breyston’s Divine Design
GCH Ch Kismet’s Don’t Mess With Texas ROM x Allusion’s Classy Lass
Candice finished her CH at 15 months and GCH in just 4 weekends
OFA Good, CERF Clearlouisana-group-4-2014-cropped1

BISS GCH CH Kismet’s High Fashion ROM – Dior
GCH CH Kismet’s Snow Leopard of Springmist x CH Kismet’s Layla
She produced her 7 Champions from two litters
sired by CH Kismet’s Shogun ROM
OFA Good CERF Clearimg_0231

BISS CH Breyston’s Kismet En Vogue – Vogue
BISS CH Kismet’s Shogun ROM x GCH CH Kismet’s High Fashion ROM
OFA Excellent, CERF clear

CH Breyston’s Divine Art of Freedom at Grandview – Michelle
MBIS MBISS GCHS CH Rosmoor Afterglow ROM x CH Breyston’s Divine Dream at Grandview

CH Breyston’s Divine Dream at Gandview – Mia
co owned with Mary Visser
CH Kismet’s Chateau Successor ROM x BISS GCH CH Breyston’s Divine Design
OFA Excellent, CERF clear

CH Chateau The Prestige O’Kismet